Wednesday, 25 September 2013


Have you ever sat down, stopped every action and thought of this question: “WHAT IS LIFE ITSELF”
Life is what keeps you going everyday even when you just want to sit down and never get up
It is what makes you wake up each morning and decide to leave your bed instead of sleeping in
It makes you decide whether to turn right or left or stay in that same direction you are
Sometimes life can make you run even though you don’t even have any reason to
Life can hunt you by bringing up things that make you want to hide
But if you are strong enough and try hard enough you can haunt it back
At times life makes you lose the one you love or something that means so much to you
A few time life can be so nice and make you gain the thing you want most or your loved one
Life can be slow at times that you just wanna take the clock and whine the time to the future
But sometimes life can be so fast that you don’t even realize the things happening in your front
 To me I will say,” life does not give you what you deserve, but what you decide, what you demand and what you are determined to have no less”
  “What you will get from life will not depend on the options available, but the choices you make”
Life will push you to choose between two paths:  “path of frustration and path of celebration”. What path you will choose will determine what your life will be: sad, happy, fun, boring, cool, weird, crazy, stupid, carefree, friendly and many more choices.
But remember what ever the path you on now, you will not be on that path forever
So if you hate where your life is right now, why not decide what you wanna do about it
Because when life hands you lemons, please never forget to make lemonades out of it!

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