Monday, 3 February 2014

Japanese Researcher Uses Experiments to Prove Our Thoughts and Intentions Can Alter the Physical World

Self-help gurus have been telling us
about the power of positive thinking for
years. Now, the results of an experiment
might just prove that they were right all
along. Dr. Masaru Emoto, a researcher
and alternative healer from Japan, has
researched the effects of positive and
negative thoughts on materials such as
water and cooked rice. The results are
pretty amazing.
Dr. Emoto shot to international fame in
2004, when he was featured in the
documentary film What the Bleep Do We
Know. In that film, he demonstrated
through experiments that human
thoughts and intentions could cause a
great deal of change to the molecular
structure of water. His discovery was
path breaking, given the fact that
human bodies are made of almost 70
percent water.
Now, Emoto is in the news again for a
similar experiment, conducted with
cooked grains of rice. He placed portions
of the rice in two containers – one
labelled ‘thank you’ and the other, ‘you
fool’. He then instructed school children
to read the labels out loud every time
they passed by them during the day.
After 30 days, the container with the
positive thoughts had its rice almost
intact, while the other one had moldy
and rotten rice.
For his previous experiment with water,
Emoto had arranged for a group of
2,000 people in Tokyo to focus positive
intentions towards water samples that
were placed inside an
electromagnetically shielded room in
California. The ‘before’ and ‘after’
photographs of the frozen water
molecules were simply astounding. While
the former were haphazard and had no
structure, the latter had formed
beautiful patterns.
Critics of Emoto’s work have pointed out
that the capturing and selection of
photographs may have been biased. In
reply, he said: “This is one of the most
difficult areas to clarify. However, from
continuing these experiments we have
come to the conclusion that the water is
reacting to the actual words. For
example, for our trip to Europe we tried
using the words ‘thank you’ and ‘you
fool’ in German. The photographers on
our team did not understand German
and yet we were able to obtain exactly
the same kind of results.”
Emoto also said that the crystalline
structure of water, called clusters, break
whenever negative language is used.
Using positive, beautiful words creates
small, tight clusters which generally last
In another version of the rice
experiment, Emoto had three beakers of
cooked rice. He said ‘thank you’ to one,
‘you’re an idiot’ to the second, and
completely ignored the third. After a
month, the rice that was thanked began
to ferment with a strong, pleasant
aroma. The insulted rice turned black,
while the ignored rice began to rot.
It’s hard to say if Emoto’s research is
actually scientific in nature, but it looks
like he’s really on to something here.
Perhaps we ought to say nice things to
our food every day to keep it fresh. Now
why didn’t the guy who invented
refrigerators think of that?

posted from Bloggeroid

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