Sunday 16 March 2014

Saudi Arabia Issues List of 50 Banned Names, Malika Included

malay airline
The missing Malaysian airliner was apparently deliberately diverted and flown for hours after vanishing from radar, said Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, stopping short of confirming a hijack as the “excruciating” jet drama moved into uncharted new territory.
Najib said on Saturday that investigators believed “with a high degree of certainty” that Malaysia Airlines flight 370′s communications systems were manually switched off, and that the plane veered westward in a fashion “consistent with deliberate action” after dropping off primary radar.
But he told a highly-anticipated press conference watched around the world that he could not confirm rising suspicions that the plane had been forcibly taken over.
“Despite media reports that the plane was hijacked, I wish to be very clear: we are still investigating all possibilities as to what caused MH370 to deviate from its original flight path,” he said.
The investigation data appeared to cast aside a host of theories attempting to explain the plane’s

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