Wednesday, 25 September 2013


Hardwork pays I know. I just don't want
hard work to pay me. I prefer being paid
by smart work. It pays a better wage. I
have seen a lot of hard worker live and
die poor. I'm yet to see a smart worker
who is poor.
No matter how hardworking you are, you
still need a healthy dose of smart work to
have an edge in life. Show me a very rich
and successful person in life and I will
show you a person that is smart working.
I laugh whenever I hear people say "hard
work pays" when they see a successful
person in life. This is because all I see is a
successful smart worker. Hard work will
ensure that you "make money" but smart
work will make sure you "have money".
Most Igbo businessmen are smart
workers. That's why they are more
interested in a small profit margin and a
high turnover rate. This can't said of their
Yoruba counterparts who are hardworking
and so stick with a high profit margin
with a small turnover rate. We all know
who is more successful in business
between the two.
Come to Lagos. You will see a lot of
hardworking youths pushing
wheelbarrows and hawking in traffic. If
hard work truly pays well they should all
be rich by now. Hard work will compel
you to use your physical strength while
smart work will tell you to use your
intellectual strength. Hard work preaches
doing the right thing while smart work
preaches doing things right.
Until the gospel of smart work is
embraced by all, most hard workers may
continue being contended by the little
wage hard work pays them.

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