Wednesday, 25 September 2013


Don't crucify me yet. I can prove myself.
Please give me some minutes to explain
myself and justify my thug. I'm no saint
after all. But show me a saint and I would
show you someone that wasn't given birth
to by the union of a man and a woman.
I'm a cheat I agree. In fact I'm an addict
when it comes to cheating. You can call
me a congenital cheat. A pathological one
might suffice. I just can't help it. That's
why I want to infect you too with this
virus. I don't want to be cured of it.
Before I go far, please understand that
there is a huge difference between
passing an exam and passing it well . I
will be focusing on passing exams well
and why you just must cheat to achieve
that. After we all say whatever is worth
doing at all is worth doing well . No one
is a saint in this case. If you want to have
excellent grades in life you have to learn
the act of cheating. And you must be very
good and smart at it.
Human beings are naturally lazy by
default and almost everyone wants
something for nothing. We all want all the
good things in life for free. Forgetting that
even in the federal capital of Sierra Leone
( Freetown ) nothing is free. Everything
comes with a dangling price tag. The
better the product, the higher the price.
Same applies to examinations. If you want
all the good grades in your examinations,
you must be willing to pay all the high
prices. The price to be paid to get an
ordinary pass is cheap and a far cry
compared to the price you must pay to
get a distinction.
No matter where you come from. No
matter how brilliant you claim to be. To
have an excellent grade in any
examination you must cheat. It is a
universal law and proudly supported
universally. Cheating is a prerequisite to
having excellent grades all over the world.
I cheated severally while I was a student
in other to have my A(s). I must be
sincere with you. Many a times my
roommates would scold me for being a
hopeless cheat. But I couldn't just help it.
I knew what I wanted in life and out of my
course of study. To achieve it or stand a
slim chance of achieving it I just had to
cheat. I wasn't ashamed at all. I have
been an advocate of it and I have
preached about it severally to my
colleagues and my disciples.
Cheating isn't an easy task at all. It takes
a whole lot of guts to engage in it. I have
never seen a coward cheat to pass an
exam well before. I have seen so many
people fail woefully because they couldn't
cheat. Many have been withdrawn just
because they couldn't cheat the right way.
I feel bad whenever I hear about their
news. It's always tough for me to swallow.
I often ask myself, " why can't these
people just cheat now and live the rest of
their lives as kings and queens? " when it
comes to cheating I'm a professional. I
did it perfectly that many people often
wondered whether I was on drugs or I
was using juju ( a kind of metaphysical
power). But I wasn't. I was just running
high on the inexhaustible fuel of
ambition. A colleague, Blackbody by alias,
asked me what I was using the day he
witnessed me cheating for an
unimaginable number of hours.
But which type of cheating is this deluded
boy talking about? Yeah I know that is
what's on your mind. Well there are
different types of cheating. You can cheat
positively or negatively depending on how
morally sound you are. And of course
your level of bravery. The one I'm
advocating is the positive type. The type
meant for great people in life. Also meant
for the morally upright and brave people.
The second type is meant for the morally
bankrupt people and cowards. Cheating
positively entails cheating before exams
while the latter is majorly about cheating
during exams and in some cases after the
I'm not talking about going into an
examination with microchips, expo,
written answers etc. These are meant for
cowards. I'm talking about doing all the
cheating before the exam. I mean
CHEATING NATURE to pass exams.
Cheating your lazy nature that makes you
want to sleep, ping or tweet when you
should be reading. That makes you only
read when you feel like. I mean that
retrogressive nature that won't allow you
to understand that great men are made
while mere men sleep. I mean cheating
that lazy nature that makes you feel you
just need to read to pass and not read to
That's the kind of cheating I'm talking
about. Cheating peer pressure that is
always wanting you to seek the easy way
out in exams. That wants you to be up
there socially but at the bottom of the
ladder of academic and life excellence.
Cheating that urge to spend the whole
time on twitter and Facebook gossiping
and crowning it all up with sleep when
you ought to be reading and preparing
hard for your exams. Cheating that
human nature that likes pleasure at the
expense of greatness. To cheat
successfully you have to be cruel and be a
murderer. This is because you have to
slaughter sleep, pleasure, peer pressure
and other similar vices at the alter of
success and greatness. In fact if you
could successfully cheap sleep alone you
would have succeeded in recording more
than 70% achievement in your quest to
passing an exam well . I did this severally
as an undergraduate and I still do it now.
A price has to be paid in order to receive
this prize. It's not for free. Nothing in life
is free after all. It's either you pay in cash
or in kind. I remember how I used to stay
up late into the night with heavy eyes in
the course of cheating nature just so I
could add that extra to my ordinary
effort in other to pass my exams
extraordinarily. That little extra is what
always makes the difference in life. That
little push. In other to achieve success in
examinations and life, you have to be
prepared to put in that extra effort. And
this is only achievable through cheating. I
mean cheating nature and its many bad
Now you can vindicate me or nail me to
the cross........smiles

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